ACT Waterwatch Data Review 2013

We have probably all heard debates about Citizen Science and how the data collected can be labelled untrustworthy or biased. A review conducted by the University of Canberra looking at the quality of Waterwatch data found that:

...the Waterwatch database provides a good quality baseline dataset for assessing water quality in the ACT and that where there has been ...sufficiently regular collection... of data, it is possible to use Waterwatch data in an early warning context.

View the ACT Waterwatch Data Review Report (3.7 MB).

Changes to Waterwatch following the data review

As a legacy of different funding sources, Waterwatch data in the different sub-catchments was held in different databases, and was not all publicly available. In addition, processes and methods varied somewhat, and reporting varied in scale and detail around the catchment.

Following the data review:

Waterwatch volunteers take part in a Quality Assurance/Quality Control event every year where they test "mystery solutions" to assess their testing techniques, kits and equipment.

All these efforts have resulted in increased data confidence and greater use of our Waterwatch data.