Whistling Tree Frog 240 species of frog are known in Australia. Explore the Australian Museum's Frog ID frog profiles to discover all kinds of facts about frogs.

Frogs of the ACT region

The Frogs of the ACT Region - Glovebox guide (PDF File 2.2 MB) is an easy to use field guide to assist in the identification of selected frogs of the ACT and surrounding regions.

Frogs as an indicator of urban wetland health

It is often said that frogs are an excellent indicator of health in our waterways. However, like many animals, some frogs are more tolerant of disturbed environment than others.

Biodiversity is threatened by increased urbanization, but well designed urban environments, such as wetlands, can still provide quality habitat for a range of plants and animal communities, provided they are built and maintained in a way that supports those communities.

The One pond fits all - Frogs as as an indicator of urban wetland health report (PDF File 5.6 MB), a collaboration between Waterwatch and Frogwatch, aimed to examine frog-habitat relationships in 33 wetlands situated in Canberra. It was thought that if specific wetland features can be linked with particular frog species that persist there, it would be plausible to not only use certain frogs as an indicator of wetland health, but also improve biodiversity in our wetlands.

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