Carp are a major problem in Murray Darling catchment. Knowing more about carp in our catchment is really important. They are one of our worst aquatic pests and can breed up very quickly.

Mapping carp hotspots and where they breed is important for understanding their behaviour and identifying opportunities for control. Carp are often thought to require large and warm wetlands to breed, but we have very few of those types of wetlands in the ACT region and we still have lots of carp!

LISTEN, LOOK and LOG to help to fill in the pieces of the carp puzzle

Anyone can recognise a carp breeding event! LISTEN for the splashing, LOOK for the carp and LOG your sightings at FeralFishScan.

Carp Love 20°C takes its name from carp's tendency to display breeding behaviour when water temperature reaches around 20°C. As the water warms in Spring each year Waterwatch asks you to keep an eye out for behaviour such as splashing around the edges of waterways as seen in the video below and log your sightings at FeralFishScan. This information helps us build a picture of where carp are breeding in the upper Murrumbidgee catchment and to develop more effective measures to control them.

Score yourself a Carp Love 20°C t-shirt!

Take a photo of carp breeding in the ACT region and post it on FeralFishScan and Waterwatch will send you a #CarpLove20 t-shirt!

Carp Love 20 degrees C t-shirts

More information